The Station, how it came about.
Dismantling equipment and antennas
At the beginning of the project, the working group visited
brought to the ship. Her berth was when Wilhelmshaven
Northern Germany. It was of course a lot of fun to still have the ship in
to be able to view its original condition. We also visited
brought to the original radio hut. Most desks and furniture were
but all but one of the telex had all the equipment removed. There are
attempts are still being made to find out where all this has gone
Was. Unfortunately, that didn't work out.
It was just impressive to be able to see the interior. On the bridge
of course we have visited the future radio hut.
All radios and other communication equipment were still present. Seen
the underlying period, we were lucky to be able to
to be found. But would it remain so during the planned
rigorous renovation?
Returned to the Netherlands in the working group at a number of amateurs
the plan developed to the original equipment and antennas of the ship
to be dismantled and restored in the Netherlands. The project plan for this
was written quickly. The project organisation agreed with the
The plan was implemented in December 2006. Before, however, with the disassembly
we couldn't resist making some connections on
20 meters. The equipment worked fine. We have included
make some connections with some English and Italians. A
real pile-up we expected but it didn't work out. Also good because
We had to work anyway. In the end, all antennas, radios
displays, printers and terminals packed and taken to Rotterdam.
The antennas were packed in a special plastic tube. This one is later
shipped to Rotterdam by truck. All disassembly work
is neatly described and the threads marked to make assembly so easy
to make it possible. Because when we would reassemble was unclear.
The equipment has been technically checked and tested. Everything turned out to be fine. Because the antennas had suffered a lot from sea breezes and temperature it was decided to refurbish them all thoroughly. Several amateurs have made themselves very deserving in this area Created.
Here the reports of the build-up of the drive are added.